Historical Preservation 

Authentically and meticulously conserved to its full operational state, the African Queen allows you to interact with history and learn about the technology, service, and sacrifice that has made the U.S. the nation it is today.



Honoring Veterans

The African Queen Halftrack represents American honor, craftsmanship, and patriotism. A living tribute to our Greatest Generation, the African Queen M16A2 Halftrack has proudly served in three major conflicts on three continents.






Education & STEM Programs

The African Queen Project was founded in 2020 by a group of individuals dedicated to developing a unique mobile educational and historical experience. By offering an exciting opportunity for “hands-on history” with the goal of stimulating educational interests through Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), and honoring those veterans who served our nation. We are dedicated to keeping our nation’s vibrant military history alive and relevant for you, today’s citizen.


Copyright 2021 Traction LLC / African Queen Project